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Visit Us
Nursery is available at all services for children 4 and under.
How Do I Get There?We meet at 2755 Phillips Field Road. CLICK HERE FOR MAP From Peger and Phillips Field Road go West past the Holiday gas station, go around the corner and the church is on the left. We look forward to seeing you!
What Can I Expect From A Service?Our Morning Worship lasts about 65-70 minutes and includes music and preaching from the Bible that will apply directly to your life. Wednesday night prayer meeting lasts 55 minutes. Pastor Robinson will preach a message from the Bible that God has ministered to him throughout the week. Pastor will reference several scripture passages throughout the message; you do not need to turn to every one or be self-conscious if you do not wish to follow along in a Bible but prefer to just listen. There will be a Bible available to you in the pew, and we would be delighted to give you a free Bible if you do not have one of your own. During the Sunday school hour, Pastor Robinson usually teaches verse by verse through a book of the Bible. On Wednesday evenings, prayer requests will be taken up, prayer offered, and then a short, often topical, Bible study conducted, followed by singing.
Is There A Dress Code?There is not a dress code at Northstar Baptist for members or guests. Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visit. Many of our church family dress in traditional “Sunday” dress, but others will be wearing the Alaskan uniform of bunny boots, flannels, and Carhartts. Please come as you are!
What Is The Music Like?The song service at Northstar is vibrant and heartfelt. We sing songs from the hymnal accompanied by a piano. You are encouraged to participate in the congregational worship through song but it is most certainly not mandatory.
What About My Kids?Sunday school is for children ages 2-12. For all services an nursery is provided for children ages 0-4. There is also a separate nursery available for mothers who need to nurse or who may wish to stay with their child outside the auditorium with a live AV-feed for parents.
Am I Required To Participate In The Offering?No. We don't invite you to church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
Before You Visit
We’d like to answer a few questions you might have before you visit as our guest at Northstar.
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